Fire Safety

Course Overview:

The law requires all employed personnel to have adequate fire safety training.

This course has been designed to give personnel the necessary information.

It will build your confidence in becomimg a fire marshall and will provide you with the skills to prevent fire and deal with an evacuation effectively.

Course Details

The course will cover:
  • Fire legislation
  • Chemistry of a fire
  • Classes of fire
  • Common causes of fire
  • Hazard identification/risk assessment
  • Managing evacuation with people with special needs
  • Evacuation procedure
  • Firefighting equipment
  • Role of a fire marshal

Course requirements

There are no specific requirements to enrol on this course.

Course Assessment

There are no assessments, however there is a short test at the end to check understanding.

Course Dates and Venue

Please email for further details.

Course Cost

Course details download
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