Who we are

We are called Mental Health & Wellbeing Solutions, we are a training and mental health solutions service provider.

Our website address is: https://mhwsolutions.co.uk.

Privacy Policy

The purpose of this policy is to help you to understand how Mental Health & Wellbeing Solutions (‘we’) treat your personal data.

We are committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. We will comply with UK data protection law and adhere to the basic principles of data protection and any personal information we hold about you must be:

  1. Used lawfully, fairly and in a transparent way.
  2. Collected only for valid purposes that we have clearly explained to you and not used in any way that is incompatible with those purposes.
  3. Relevant to the purposes we have told you about and limited only to those purposes.
  4. Accurate and kept up to date.
  5. Kept only as long as necessary for the purposes we have told you about.
  6. Kept securely.

Information we my collect from you

You may give us information about yourself by filling out forms on our site or by corresponding with us by phone, email or otherwise. This includes the information required when you register to use our site, make a booking, subscribe to our services, enter a competition, when you report a problem with our site or speak at or otherwise participate in one of our events.

The information you give us may include your name, address, professional specialisms, company name, role, email address, dietary requirements, phone number, IP address, geographical location of where you accessed our website, information about how you use/interact with our website, information from cookies (if you have consented to their use) and information about your computer or other electronic device (tablet and browser type).

Following your purchase, we may subsequently send you communications about selected Mental Health & Wellbeing Solutions products and services. In these circumstances, the processing of your personal data is performed on the basis of legitimate interest. You have the right to ask us not to process your personal data for marketing purposes. You can unsubscribe at any time by emailing enquiries@mhwsolutions.co.uk.

The legal basis for the information we collect

Your information is used to process your purchases, deliver our services and contact you, as well as to improve the website experience for our users.

Who is your data shared with

We will only share your data with third parties for the purposes of delivering services, fulfilling any contracts we enter with you, where required by law or to enforce our legal rights.

Mental Health & Wellbeing Solutions will not disclose details to third parties for the purpose of receiving communications from those third parties, including relevant business information. We may have to share information necessary to deliver our services and run our business. These include; IT service providers, Hosting providers, Payment processing or providers. We will not store credit/debit card details.

The length of time we may store information

We will keep hold of your data for no longer than necessary. The length of time we retain it will depend on any legal obligations we have (such as tax recording purposes), the nature of any contracts we have in place with you, the existence of your consent or our legitimate interests as a business.

For any enquiry contact we will keep your information for as long as it is required to respond and complete your enquiry, and for a further 12 months, before deleting your information.

Concerns or complaints

If you have any concerns or questions over the collection, storage or processing of your data, please contact Colette Kelly (Company Director) directly by email colette@mhwsolutions.co.uk or by telephone 07735 498348.